
Monday, April 18, 2011

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Web Scheduler is now available

Lync Web Scheduler is a resource kit tool for Microsoft Lync Server 2010. It provides a Web-based alternative to the add-in for the Microsoft Office Outlook messaging and collaboration client for the purpose of scheduling a meeting using Lync Server 2010. It also provides a browser-based conference management experience that includes operations such as the following:
  • Scheduling a new online Lync meeting.
  • Listing all existing Lync Server 2010 meetings that the user has organized.
  • Viewing and modifying details of an existing meeting.
  • Deleting an existing meeting.
  • Sending an email invitation to meeting participants by using a configured SMTP mail server.
  • Joining an existing conference.
Compared to the Conferencing Add-In for Microsoft Outlook, Lync Web Scheduler has the following limitations:
  • Lync Web Scheduler does not support scheduling recurring meetings.
  • Lync Web Scheduler lists only meetings that were organized by the user. It does not list all meetings that the user is invited to. Further, meetings created using some other tool will not be editable using Lync Web Scheduler.
  • Lync Web Scheduler is available only in English.
  • Meeting invitations that are generated by Lync Web Scheduler do not look exactly the same as those that are generated by the Conferencing Add-In for Outlook.
  • Lync Web Scheduler doesn’t interact with the calendaring server. Calendar updates happen only via email invitations.
Lync Web Scheduler is an ASP.NET application, which must be installed on the same Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server on which Lync Server Web Components are installed.
Get it at


  1. Hello, really a great tool but after scheduling a meeting I receive an error: "Information about the meeting isn’t available right now. Please try again later."

    It's impossibile to edit the meeting too.

    Any idea?

  2. same issue: "Information about the meeting isn’t available right now. Please try again later."

  3. This will only allow me to install this on the C drive, it will not allow me to specify what drive to install this on, all of the Lync files are installed on the D drive, any ideas?

  4. That's an interesting issue. Since the Web Scheduler is really an IIS application, I expect that you can move the folders from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Web Components\Web Scheduler to the D: drive and then update IIS to use the new location. Let me know how that works for you.

  5. Jeff,

    Any other suggestions, I don't want to play around with the FE servers since this is in production, in our lab we only have the C drive which is why it worked w/o any issues.


  6. No other suggestions, sorry. I didn't write the tool. You may want to contact the developers. They're listed in the documentation.

  7. Can you provide exact topology for me its working perfect...

  8. Im having issues also. I can schedule the meeting but cant view it Information about the meeting isn’t available right now. Please try again later

    has anyone got this working?

  9. I've exact the same issue.
    For me it works in one enterprise pool installed in the US and the enterprise pool in Sweden does not work. I begin to think that's someting with the locals US och SE format.

    Any ideas?

  10. Some steps to debug the issue:
    1. As mentioned in scheduler doc it works only using pool url and pool url should be of the same pool where user is hosted.i.e. if there are two pools pool0 and pool1 in deployment then for user who are on pool0 should user pool0 scheduler url and for users who are on pool1 should use pool1 scheduler url.
    2. It doesnot support user of older OCS i mean if in your deployment some OCS2007R2 and Lync 2010 exist then it will work only for those users who are on Lync 2010
    3. Currently it only supports english OS.

    Rohit Raj

  11. For me im in Canada so US language, and we have a small deployment with only one pool. and getting this error weeks after installing it.

    the meeting isn’t available right now.

  12. hi Tim,
    I am looking some more info to debug the issue:
    1. Are you using https://poolFQDN/scheduler for accessing scheduler?
    2. As mentione your language is set to english?
    3. Are you using long string in message?

    Rohit Raj

  13. Solved! The problem was with the date format.
    The Web scheduler only accept the following format: MM / DD / YY.

    Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Web Components\Web Scheduler\Int\Scripts\common and change $$("meetingTime").innerHTML = FormatDate(start, "DD, MM dd, yy", "mm/dd/yy") + (splitStart[4] ? " " + splitStart[4] : "") + (splitStart[5] ? " " + splitStart[5] : ""); to $$("meetingTime").innerHTML = start;

    Hope it has been helpful

  14. Just searched for a contact but can't find any developer information.... can you help me?

  15. Has anyone found the solution to the "Information about the meeting isn’t available right now. Please try again later." error?

    I have tried everything I can think of, including ensuring I am using the pool FQDN, certificate is valid, and made the change with the date format which actually broke the scheduler as I was unable to log in after the change, so i had to revert back to original common file.

  16. se puede acceder al scheduler por medio de LA WEB... que no estes bajo la VPN o dentro del dominio_?

  17. Sí, se puede acceder desde Internet y el dominio interno.

  18. Please reference

  19. Has anyone been able to fix the "Information about the meeting isn’t available right now. Please try again later" when creating a meeting? I also have an issue with doing a "check name" in the invitation box. When I type a users name or full email address that resides on the domain, I get "One or more names in the list can’t be resolved uniquely. Please check the names once again. Names should be separated by a semicolon."

  20. Thank You AnonymousJune 2, 2011 at 1:51 PM

    That fixed it for me on a Swedish server.


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