
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Exchange MCM Update #1

It's the end of my first week of Exchange MCM training and it has been just amazing.  We've covered Hub Transport with Brian Reid, Client Access Server with Dirk Buntinx and Greg Taylor, and Unified Messaging with Paul Robichaux.

The schedule has changed beginning with this rotation.  Instead of five days on, two days off, as in previous rotations, Rotation 10 will have no days off until the very end of the training.  In theory, the days will be shorter and we'll have time off in the evenings to review, study, maybe eat something and get some laundry done.  In practice, the days are still very long and you don't have time for ANYTHING else.  After Paul's UM presentation today (Sunday), one of my colleagues and I walked to the grocery store and then decided to come back to the lab to do some more studying.

Hub Transport with Brian Reid. The clock could be AM or PM, I'm not sure.
The test schedule has changed, as well.  In previous rotations an exam was held every Monday mornings to cover the previous week's training.  Now the exams will be combined and administered the final Friday of the rotation, covering all the content learned during the previous three weeks.

One of Greg Taylor's more enthusiastic whiteboard drawings for CAS. You can tell it's Greg's drawing because of the horns on the user.
R10 is a small rotation. There are only four of us along with an entourage of Lync attendees, all of whom are current MCMs. This is a benefit offered to MCMs, who may be gearing up for a refresh cycle.  This rotation will also include Office 365 content, which is new to any rotation.

Tomorrow we begin mailbox training.  My brain hurts.

1 comment:

  1. For more on what is displayed on Jeff's screen in the classroom see and

    Brian Reid, C7 Solutions Ltd (, MCM Exchange 2010


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