
Saturday, October 27, 2012

How to Configure Public and Private Computer Settings in OWA 2013

The new "streamlined user interface" in Exchange 2013 no longer allows users to select whether they are using a public or private computer to access Outlook Web App.  By default, OWA 2013 assumes your are using a private computer and uses the default timeout value of 8 hours of user inactivity before requiring the user to sign in again.


The LogonPagePublicPrivateSelectionEnabled parameter of the Set-OWAVirtualDirectory cmdlet specifies whether the Outlook Web App sign-in page includes the private computer or public computer sign-in option.  The following example will enable the Private Computer checkbox on server EX1, as show below:

Set-OwaVirtualDirectory "ex1\owa*" -LogonPagePublicPrivateSelectionEnabled $True

You need to reset IIS after configuring the OwaVirtualDirectory using the IISRESET command:
iireset /noforce /timeout:120

The default cookie timeout value in OWA for Private Computers is 8 hours of user inactivity.  The default timeout value for Public Computers is 15 minutes of user inactivity.  If you wish to change these values use one or both of the following commands:
Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA' -Name PrivateTimeout -Value <amount of time> -Type DWORD
Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA' -Name PublicTimeout -Value <amount of time> -Type DWORD
The values above are specified in minutes.  You'll need to reset IIS after changing these values.


  1. Great piece of information here. I do a question though, this method make private the default setting. How do I change it to make public the default option.

  2. ya screwed me overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!


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