iOS 6.1.2 released to Fix Exchange Calendaring Bug

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Apple released iOS 6.1.2 today to iPhones and iPads.  This update supposedly fixes the Exchange calendar bug that can result in increased logging in Exchange 2010.  This bug has been well documented by Microsoft and technology professionals like fellow MVP Tony Redmond.

The update is also supposed to address reduced battery life due to excessive network utilization.

I recommend installing this update on your iOS devices as soon as possible.  Hopefully it doesn't break something else. 


  1. will this finally solve battery issues on the 4S?

    1. I updated my 4s the other night and since then my phone's battery only last until around 3pm after being on charge all do I fix this? anyone please?

  2. We're still seeing a lot of devices hammering the Exchange server after 6.1.2. It seems still only fully solvable by removing the device association as well as deleting the account on the iOS device, then re-adding them.

    Pathetic Apple...

    1. Pathetic Apple indeed. I-we must have a dozen Apple Devices. The kids are already asking for their old BBs back, and I am honestly also getting to the stage of evaluating
      Alternatives. apple have screwed upOnce too often. After updating to 6.1.2 both my IPad and my phone now keep on re-downloading my full email Inbox !! Pathetic and unsure how to solve apart from uninstalling the update??

  3. Well, this hasn't happened before but my messages app crashes a few times and my imessage automatically turned off without me doing anything. I hope this isn't a bug


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